Gobble You Up !

Published by Tara books @tara_books
Concept and text Gita Wolf @cashew_cottage
Illustrated by Sunita – artist from Meena tribe – used finger painting style Mandna for children’s book. Story of a cunning Jackal which ends up eating its own friend – Crane !

Is this act of Jackal left questioned ? How other animals reacted ? What happened to them ? What happened to the wrath of Jackal ? Did he gobble up all the animals ? What happened to its torn tummy ? !

Story which makes every kid to think about world and how to think before acting. A tale which tells reader that one can ask questions if they feel if it’s justified, not fear about the person / animal on other end !

Text – is rhyming and simple & bright simple illustrations attracts & connects young readers with this book.

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