Uyirum Tamilum – Vedaipoom Mei Tamilai

Being born and brought up in Tamil Nadu, Tamil was the language which I started to talk after my mother tongue. But for VZ we have started to slowly introduce her to Tamil ( தமிழ் மொழி) language and words ( எழுத்து).

I saw these books from @wakeupbooks books and found out these were beautifully illustrated and written by Abhinaya @colortickle who is one of the instructors from artpreneur program @artpreneurprogram .

These two books are Abhinaya’s  maiden children’s books .

Uyirum Tamilum – has covered all 12 Uyir Ezhuthukal -and Ayudha Ezhuthu. Each letter has four picture words – brightly illustrated , the letters with emotions attracts little readers with love for this  book and language.

Vedaipoom Mei Tamilai – has covered all 18 Mei Ezhuthukal

Each letter has five picture words – perfectly illustrated , the expressive letters adds more fun and connectivity with the book.Simple everyday tamil words helps kids to pick language and repeat the same! If your planning to order these books you can dm to wakeup books @wakeupbooks

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