Benefits of Flap Books – Toddlers & Young kids

Yes ! Flap books attracts even four or five year old kids. Looking for books based on kids interest benefits to larger level.

Most of the flap books we have explored are from Usborne books.

->  As mentioned about points in picture, parents can check on below points while choosing flap books.

->  Even with young kids, looking for thick material flap books helps for multiple use. Always quality material wins more than number of pages.

-> Check if the title covers a lot of information, as kids grow they are curious to read and explore. Looking for books which can answer their questions helps , of course they ask more questions!

Childhood is time to know more so please answer every question which they ask.

If these two points are taken care, kids can have greater independent learning & quiet time with flap books!


Over the years, have personally purchased from below pages (most of my Usborne collection for VZ is through them )


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