The beauty of rediscovering yourself – Anushya’s Zentangle love

Matchstick figures. That was the closest I got to remotely feeling like an artist. But 7 years ago, as a new mother maneuvering her way through motherhood and life in a new country, I discovered an art form that captured my heart and mind. Zentangle. It was new, almost unheard of and I got hooked. All my late nights after putting my 2 year old to bed were dedicated to learning it.

For all of you who haven’t heard of it yet, Zentangle is a pattern drawing art that is simple, fun, relaxing and takes you through a step by step process. You start with a dot, add some lines and curves and before you know it, stroke by stroke you have created art. It makes an artist out of each one of us and the sense of accomplishment is unparalleled.  

While I was enjoying my newly found hobby, I was restless to do more. That’s when I found a teaching certification by Zentangle Inc. It was a four day residential program in Providence, Rhode Island and I had my heart set on it. Leaving my two year old for 4 whole nights was a big deal but my husband made sure I didn’t let this opportunity of  lifetime get away.

I spent  the most amazing 4 days immersed in tangling and creating art with over 100 women from all over the world. It was a rewarding experience and it gave me the power to teach in the form of a certification.

But life had other plans for me. I soon got busy with another little addition to the family and two years slipped away in the blink of an eye.

But the best part about learning and having a certification is that it never slips away. It stands by you like a rock. When my second daughter started going to preschool I picked my pens again and restarted my tangling journey.

I started taking workshops for mothers like me who have some time to spare in the mornings. I started going to senior centres to help them rediscover the power of their hands after a stroke.  Their happiness and pride after creating a piece of Zentangle art was overwhelming.  

I also started enjoying the beauty of patterns and Mandala art and kept working on it all along. Last year during the pandemic, I started my own creative venture, TangleTime with Anushya. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my family and friends who encouraged me every bit of the way. 

I create unique handmade products made of wood, bamboo and coconut shells and I absolutely love every bit of it. It’s going to be almost one year since TangleTime started and I am proud to have my simple creations adorn so many new homes, host corporate workshops and empowerment sessions and spread the word about the simplicity of art. 

Zentangle and Mandala art and their beautiful way of absorbing each and every person into its artistic fold made an artist out of me and I wanted all my participants to feel the same way. 

My hope was to do something creative that doesn’t involve a laptop and I am glad that I chanced upon these beautiful art forms. I look at every little dot, curve and line with pride because I know that they are going to magically transform into something special. 

“No Mistakes”. That’s what Zentangle has taught me. In life and art. 

In Picture : Anushya Rajagopalan Mamtora

Instagram id : @tangletimewithanushya

About Author:

Anushya Rajagopalan Mamtora is a journalist by profession and a new mompreneur, trying to juggle art, dance, home and two lovely little girls. She is the hand and heart behind TangleTime with Anushya and loves to create unique eco-friendly products and teach Zentangle and Mandala art.
During her journalist days she has worked with Times of Indian and The Hindu Business Line. Currently she live in New Jersey, USA with her family.
Her motto towards art : Out of the box. But with a creative soul.

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