How Flash Cards helps young children:
Flash Cards are great way of teaching young children. Flash cards helps to kids focused without much distraction as they look in one object at particular time rather whole set. Activities with flash cards does not require any great setup rather can be done during evening tea time. Pulling few flash card and asking series of questions to kids.
Expecting answers from kids: Allowing them to think, get answers and framing new questions. This entire process will help kids to develop better cognitive skills, better use of vocabulary and framing sentences. This whole activity can be carried upon the any language which kid is comfortable or the language which you want kid to learn better.

South Asian Festivals -Flash Cards – @tpartycreations
@tpartycreations aims in teaching kids the significance of each south Asian festival via flash Cards. Yes they cover all Major festivals across India. Being away from India, children should not miss their traditional values. T-Party creation team makes sure to educate kids with simple and sustainable products so that cultural values are not lost, but preserved in minds of current generation.
This product covers 25 different festivals, each card has simple pictures with vibrant colors and detailed explanations of each festival at back of card.
Each card is made of great quality cardstock paper which does not bend easily. The size of card is big enough for kids to hold easily!
My daughter enjoys playing with these cards. It gives her a chance learn about different festivals even if we won’t celebrate! As this product is really handy works well for road trips too!!