Best quality toys for free play
When I purchase a toy for my daughter, I always look for two things quality and how much engaging it’s there for long run. VZ is a kid who loves to her free play time to the core.
I always select toys which are great quality which goes with her age and keep her engaged with zero adult supervision.
While I was looking for rainbow stackers in USA, most stackers were not good in quality based on amazon reviews or they were expensive – not fitting with my budget. These stackers from were win-win, in terms of both quality and cost.

Math rods – The Math rods toys available in amazon store we’re mostly rods which are measuring 1cm in width. Yes they help in learning purpose but can’t help kid to keep occupied with for free play for hours.
So I was eyeing for these Cuisenaire rods to be restocked in Chitrani – website. Received it two days before Christmas. VZ got this toy as her Santa gift. Math rods are of great quality. offer worldwide free shipping.