Our learning as a parent started the day when this little angel my daughter came into this world. She taught me so many new things and we explored so many things together. I was very new to so many concepts and confused as a first-time mom. Slowly I started exploring and learning and our beautiful journey began.
We introduced book reading at 3 months of her age with a snuggle touch and feel book. As a new parent, we learned that reading books to kids at a young age has so many benefits. Reading to kids teaches them communication, stimulate their senses, build their listening skills, memory and vocabulary. We really enjoyed the bonding during the reading sessions. Some of her favourite early books were Good night Moon, The Very hungry caterpillar, Little fingers, Naisha at the park. Now we have our own mini library at home. The repeated reading sessions are so powerful and we saw the impact it made on her.
Then we introduced her to the world of colours and painting. The world of colours is so fascinating and inviting for kids. I still remember her first handprint painting which we did and of course I have treasured it for life. From then, our journey of learning in creative way started. We introduced many different concepts like shapes, colours, days of the week, months of the year in a very fun way. We really enjoyed our fun learning sessions. Making our own home-made edible colours, DIY activities was absolute fun for me too. We spend so much of quality time doing these together. I am so glad that I learnt this way of teaching and making learning fun. Learning should never be a burden for kids. It should be a enjoyable experience as it their lifelong treasure.
Maria Montessori has wonderfully said,” PLAY IS THE WORK OF THE CHILD “
Our learning journey was not only limited to academic concepts but it extended to doing daily chores around the house, watering the plants, taking care of pets, feeding them, making chapatis, using a knife (we started with a toy knife for cutting a banana and then gradually explored). These daily chores teach them many practical life skills and develop their self esteem and help them to be an independent individual. Then we explored scissor skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills and so on.
Art and craft are an essential part of children’s life. This helps them to express their feelings and learn a new way to deal with life. They learn to spend time in creating new things and loving the beauty of creations. So, building the interest for art and craft from a very young age is essential. This need not be a great masterpiece to be made every time. Just simple strokes and messy paintings too form a good basis for their development. I would like to conclude with a few lines as below-

About Author :
Seema Katti is an passionate mommy blogger who loves to create fun learning activities for her daughter.
She conduct workshops for the following :
1. Phonics workshop for parents and teachers
2. Grammar workshop for parents and teachers
3. Phonics classes for kids
4. Grammar classes for kids
5. Preschool classes 6. Rubik’s cube class for all ages
7. Mandala workshop for adults
8. Calligraphy workshops
9. Cursive writing workshops.
You can check out more about her work from below links :
Blog : https://creativemommystuff.blogspot.in
Activity Centre : https://www.facebook.com/cmsactivitycentre
Insta Link : https://www.instagram.com/cmsactivitycentre
Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/CreativeMommystuff
Facebook groups:

In Picture : Seema Katti