The Abc ‘s of Virtue – written by Priya Kumari @priyakumariauthor Komal Garg
@komalgargauthor , illustrated by Maitreyi Ghosh @maitreyighosh . This book is published by @eternaltreebooks EternalTreeBooks.
Much meaningful book – with deeper throughs & interesting illustrations can help kids, connect with this book easily.
Children are the ones’s who are going to build future world. Their thoughts & minds are to be filled with empathy and righteousness.
These future citizens work can create difference to make a welcoming world filled with thoughts to uplift each other. Authors of this book have penned their ideas in simple words alphabetically – which helps kids to learn with flow and look for next word.

Illustrations are bright, fun & diverse which kids can relate with themselves & with their daily life.
The entire book – has real life examples which kids can connect with their habits and tend to think & correct. While reading this book my daughter used to list ways to make change such as giving stuff which is forgotten/ missed to people who it actually belongs , sharing food around to neighbors , waiting / holding door for people to enter & so on !
Thank you so much Lisa , @eternaltreebooks & authors for trusting my review and sending reviewer copy of this book. ..
PS – all the views shared above is entirely my review after reading & enjoying this book with my daughter.