10 Gulab Jamuns – counting with an Indian Sweet Treat

Written by Sandhya Acharya @authorsandhya

Illustrated by Vanessa Alexandre @vanessailustradora

This is a beautiful story / incident from Mamma’s kitchen. Adu and Idu were super exited when Mamma started to make Gulab Jamuns for their guests.Mamma made 10 (ten) Gulab Jamuns and kept for guests. Now Idu and Adu started to gulp sweets while Mamma was busy in kitchen. When Mamma’s finds kid’s mischievous behavior fun time and learning happens. 

This is a beautiful book which teaches kids about cultural and how to greet guests when they visit home. Also through this book author teaches kids on counting, addiction and subtraction. Vivid colorful illustrations, lively story attracts kids a lot. Quality of book is super great.

Can be purchased from Sandhya’s website (signed copy from author) – https://www.sandhyaacharya.com/ 

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