Book which focus on South Asian food & did
Bilal’s friends like Daal ?
Written by Aisha Saeed @aishacs , Illustrated by Anoosha Syed @foxville_art Bilal’s friends were curious to know on time
involved in cooking ‘Daal’ . They came to know its Bilal’s favorite food and wanted to taste the same. In this book author involves kids in cooking which adds interest for little readers also get involved in helping their parents.
While Daal is being cooked Bilal and his friends
went to play hopscotch , then swim & hiking. Through kids activities author explains on longer time involved for cooking south Asian food.
Tried kids enjoyed rice, naan dipped in yummy daal
. The texture and spice levels was perfect for all kids. Illustrations are so diverse , kids mood are
beautifully portrayed. Ingredients, cooking style & kids involvement are illustrated brightly which In turn kindles kids to get themselves involved in
cooking too.
Characters focusing on single parenting helps kids
with single parent to connect easily.
So , what’s more happiness than tasty food with friends?!