Commitment to Creative Journey – Motherhood

Motherhood & Transformation

Motherhood can be one of the most challenging and transformative phases of a woman’s life, as it makes you want to shed tears of joy looking at your little one while also feeling lost in your own identity crises. This muddle of emotions, added with physical bodily and hormonal changes often overwhelm new mothers.

I was no different. Though watching my little human get through milestones gave me utmost joy and happiness, I also felt exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally, and more often lost. But experiencing these feelings have also led to a beautiful transformation in myself, which would have never happened if not for motherhood! One outcome of this transformative journey is commitment to my creative practice.


How has it started?

As much as 2020 is unforgettable, it was also a crucial year for me as it was the year that broke me down emotionally to the level I never imagined. Added to it was the pandemic, which made handling a baby who was just getting mobile while working full time and doing daily chores/ activities without help, just made everything worse. I noticed myself getting very frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed with too many things to handle. It directly impacted the way I parented my child. I slogged through every single day and noticed that I was getting irritated way too often with my little one.

I did not like the way I spent my days. I did not like the way I slogged through work, chores, and motherhood. I resented the way my helpless child looked at me when he noticed his mother frustrated for no reason. That’s when I made a conscious choice of putting an end to my misery. It took a great deal of inner work, self-awareness and mindfulness that led to my knowing of what will make me feel more fulfilled on an everyday basis.

I have always been into art and writing since childhood. But hobbies took a backseat all through education years. I got back to writing through a blog, that led to some published work of short stories and thought-provoking articles on several online platforms over the years. With art, I did Zentangle, watercolor paintings, acrylic on canvas and started exploring digital art in 2018. But all these were paused again after childbirth.

Creative Journey Commitment

 Having a strong inclination towards writing and art and knowing the joy they bring made me realize the need to get back to them, irrespective of how undoable it looked like at that phase of my life.  I took the plunge of making a commitment to pursue my creative journey in October 2020, to deal with the challenging phase of motherhood. I committed to learn and practice digital illustrations almost every single day. I took up and continue to take courses around illustrations, children’s books, storytelling, and creative writing.

I slowly started noticing the change in my mindset and mood along with improving my skills in digital art and writing. Though I am busier now than before with extra assignments and creative commitments, I started feeling pleasant and fulfilled. My emotional state got better, and it directly reflected in my parenting. I became a calmer, less frustrated, more conscious mom to my child. I’m still not a perfect mother and have challenges with my little one on a regular basis, but I handle them better.

Your kids don’t need a perfect mother; they need a happier one!

I usually draw or write early in the morning, before my little one wakes up or before my work starts. Sometimes late night after the child is asleep. Ever since I started my drawing or writing practice, I’m also able to complete household chores without guilt, as I feel more fulfilled having my soul cup filled.

You can’t pour from an empty cup!

I still work fulltime and my child who is now a very active toddler, only made me busier. But in spite of getting busier, I am more relaxed, I feel less stressed and take things as they come with an open mind on most days. This shift in mindset was possible only because I prioritize to do things I love, by dedicating time for writing and drawing every day. We make time if they are important to us!

Take time to do what makes your soul happy

Aura with Writing

Aura with Writing is my brainchild which came into existence to share life experiences, stories, perceptions, and learnings. I share my illustrations and writings on Instagram at @aurawithwriting

 It is an open book of my creative journey, it’s ups and downs and lessons learnt along the way. I also occasionally talk about Creativity, Mindset, Personal Growth, and Intentional Living. Meanwhile I take up custom illustrations and illustration projects that come along my way.

I intend to share light, wisdom, my learnings, and experiences of this creative journey through writing and illustrations to motivate, inspire and empower.


About Author : 


Srujana is a software solutions specialist by profession, trying to rekindle her long lost love for writing and art. A mother to a sweet little toddler and is a writer, illustrator by night. She has a great inclination towards creativity, mindset, personal growth, gender equality and mental health. She lives in Nebraska, USA with her husband and son.

Instagram : @aurawithwriting

Blog :


In Picture : Srujana K

3 thoughts on “Commitment to Creative Journey – Motherhood”

  1. Wonderful to get to know your transformative journey Srujana. Loved the quote – You can’t pour from an empty cup. How much ever it seems unlovable, we still need to prioritize self on a daily basis and fill our soul cup so we can generously share the love to others.

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