I wanted to recommend two books today from Chloe Perkins & illustrated by Tom Woolley.
These two books are under Ready to Read series; simple books which tell more about different countries, their culture; tradition and people living.

Readers learn more about this most populated country in world which is fourth largest country in the world.
The location of this land with vast mountains, rainforests, longest rivers and largest desert too excites young minds.
Author tells more about cites in China. The day to day schedule of school going children, history of this country and how Great Wall of China was built.We can know about festivals in China , what they eat too.
Author tells about Italy’s location, important monuments, food Italians eat , fashion & festivals practiced in this European country.
Tells about the family setup in Italy, how a day begins, about every day school – sweet breakfast habits & history of Italy.
Music is very important part in life of Italians how kids learn musical instruments from young age. This books creates interest for readers to visit this place sometime during their life time!