Puzzle time – Cultural Puzzle
Source : Lord Balaji @culturallearningsystems
Need for Cultural Toys :
Kids growing across different parts of world away from their original roots sometimes end up missing to know more about their religious roots / belief which their previous generation used to practice. Parents may be of same race / culture or following different practices or may be of different cultures.
Some homes have a specific place for religious worship or whereas some homes don’t have. Practicing or following beliefs is each person’s personal choice! But this does not restrict one to know more about their culture & roots and does not stop from sharing or passing the details of their roots to their kids!

About brand Cultural Learning System :
Cultural Learnings system is a brand launched by Anjani last year with the main aim of creating cultural products for children so they are aware and get connected to the roots during their play time.
When Anjani @anjani_juvvadi reached out to me for a collaboration I was delighted to share about the products from cultural learning systems.
This 48 piece puzzle is of great quality, designed on thick shinning cardboard material which does not bend or fold easily. Should really with stand with kid’s multiple use. (wear & tear ). Each piece is large enough which is great for kids from four years & above. While to enjoying puzzles kids can learn to recite- slokas & know more about Lord Balaji.
This beautiful puzzle scene of depiction of Lord Balaji with Goddess Padmavathi & Goddess Lakshmi brings the divine power into our homes. Being a believer in Lord Balaji as a family who visit Thirumala temple in Thirupati, this divine puzzle brings the feeling of God power close to our heart .Thank you Anjani for sending these puzzles VZ loved to arrange them .
@culturallearningsystems also has puzzles on Lord Ganesha & Goddess Durga.